I welcome commissions of any variety, so if you like an item on the site but would prefer it to be slightly different, or wish to design your own piece from scratch then please contact me and I will be happy to discuss your requirements and give you an idea of the cost.
Most of my commissions tend to be jewellery, wall panels or bowls but I can produce a wide range of items, so if it is not on the site it does not mean that I would not be able to produce it. As well as the commissions shown below I have previously produced tiles, splashbacks, lights and windows. Comments from some of the commissions are shown here

This Mezuzah case was commissioned as a present for the client's friend. The design was left up to me as they loved my work, but I was told that her favourite colours were pink and purple and so I incorporated those into the design. The scroll was to be supplied by the client, but I drilled holes as requested so that the case could be screwed to the wall to hold the scroll.

Corporate Commissions:
A plate for the Cumbria Businesswoman of the Year Award 11/2011 - It was commissioned by the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce and was based on one of our designs which they liked, but incorporating the colours of their logo
A mirror for Waternook Lakeside Accommodation - Designed specifically around their requirements in terms of size, shape, colour and pattern.